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How SUMMER HOTELS show the right message at the right time to maximize direct booking revenue

Case Study

Summer Hotel Cover


Known for their unique & memorable experiences at their collection of boutique hotels, Summer Hotels continues to thrive & has ambitious growth plans set in place for the upcoming years. With that in mind, they have been focusing on developing a on-brand yet personalized online user experience, working closely with The Hotels Network to build a refined direct booking strategy.

Personalized Messaging Results

A series of personalized messages targeting specific user profile and behavior criteria were launched to be shown at various user journey touch-points. Only within a short timeframe of one month, Summer Hotels saw a +29,4% increase in revenue and +9% increase in average length of stay. 


Download the full case study to discover how The Hotels Network is working with Summer Hotels to personalize the user experience for visitors and continually improve the website conversion rate. 

Topics include:

  • The Challenge
  • Campaign Implementation & Strategy
  • Personalized Messaging Results

Download Case Study


“Despite testing this new strategy during our low season period, the results are very satisfactory and encouraging. We definitely believe in the power of personalization and how this can help us achieve our expansion goals.”

Perrine Benoit - Marketing and Communications Director at Summer Hotels