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Silken Hotels and Condes Hotels: How They Increased Web Conversion of Their Paid Traffic by 31% In 2 Months

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Often, we meet hoteliers with the preconceived idea that an increase in their web traffic will generate more direct sales. However, this is only the first step. Complementary actions can be taken to increase conversion of your website’s additional traffic and significantly boost your direct bookings.

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The results

THN's Conversion and Personalization product was used to optimize each stage of the booking process for paid traffic. After the experiment, it was observed that THN tools increased web conversion by +31% on average, indicating that it is essential to personalize the navigation of paid traffic throughout the booking process to increase web conversion and gain more return on investment.


Download the full case study to discover what actions Silken Hotels and Condes Hotels conducted to bolster direct bookings from paid traffic.


Topics include:

  • Goals for the study

  • Tools in action

  • Strategy results 

For the case study development, THN teamed up with Sekuenz Data Driven Seekers, a digital business consulting firm.