Reclaim Control of Your Hotel Website


Join us and gain valuable insights from top hospitality industry experts on the importance of maintaining control over your hotel website. Discover the significance of the direct channel and why enhanced marketing and data capture are key to driving success.



We spoke with several experts in the industry to hear their take on the subject of hotel website control. Explore what they have to say and unlock the keys to sustained success on your direct channel!

" When controlling your website, flexibility is key. At THN we prioritize giving control back to you, the hotelier, so you can easily execute effective direct channel strategies. "
Mercedes Blanco
The Hotels Network
Max Starkov
" The property or the hotel company owns the final product, but the agency retains ownership of the creative. "
Max Starkov
Lindley Cotton
" Your website is your primary revenue driving vehicle. Do you really want that in somebody else’s hands? "
Lindley Cotton
Edward St.Onge
" It is your relationship with the traveler that matters the most here, and you need to make sure that your agency and partners are consultative in their approach to that. "
Edward St.Onge
" A vendor is more concerned about what’s best for them vs what’s best for the client, whereas a partner thinks how can they can help the partner be more successful. "
Michael J. Goldrich
The Hotels Network
Tim Peter
" Don't build your brand on rented land. "
Tim Peter
Tim Peter & Associates


Direct Channel Strategies

Have a listen as our Chief Partnerships Officer, Mercedes Blanco, explains the ease and flexibility of today’s technology that allows hoteliers to update their websites and launch new campaigns on the fly and on their own.




Navigating Hotel Website Ownership

 In this episode, industry expert Max Starkov applied his years of experience in the field and shared his thoughts on the subject of hotel website control.




First-Party Data Control: A Priority

Lindley Cotton, President of GCommerce Solutions, highlights the crucial role of a hotel’s website in data capture and why maintaining control over the direct channel is paramount, especially in today's landscape where securing first-party data is key.




Hotel Marketing Mastery

 Edward St.Onge, President of, explained how the marketing landscape has become a challenge for hotels and why now is more important than ever for hoteliers to have a say in how they’re executing their marketing campaigns.





Vendors vs Partners

Our CXO and Vivander Advisors Founder, Michael J. Goldrich, shares a his past experience that led to understanding the key difference between a vendor and a partner, and why it's crucial to maintain control of your hotel's direct channel.




Your Website, Your Rules

Tim Peter, Digital Strategy Expert at Tim Peter & Associates, LLC reminds us, “Your hotel website is the one place online where you have complete control of the messages and experiences your guests receive. Make sure your partners share that perspective.”




Dynamic Budget for Direct Success

In this episode, Wilhelm K. Weber, Chief Strategy and Digital Officer at Grand Metropolitan Hotels, dives into why hoteliers should maintain control of their hotel websites and advises they should allocate unlimited spend to direct channel campaigns as long as the cost of sale on the website is cheaper than third parties.






Control and Collaborate for Success

Watch Stephanie Smith, CHDM, CEO of Cogwheel Marketing & Analytics, as she dives into why it's crucial for hotels to have control over their direct channels. She explains that it's a "no-brainer" because doing so allows hoteliers to collaborate with partners who best align with a brand's strategic goals.




Maximize Revenue - Own Your Site

Ben Hanley and Tristan Heaword, Co-Founders of three&six, joined us for another episode, where they sum up the importance of owning your hotel website in just 60 seconds. They point out that it’s not only the biggest revenue generating tool for hoteliers but also the cheapest source of leads.




Future-Proof Your Marketing

We're thrilled to feature Noreen Henry, Chief Revenue Officer at Sojern. Noreen discusses the critical importance of owning a hotel website, especially as the industry braces for the end of third-party cookies. Discover her strategies for capturing and leveraging first-party data to enhance and personalize the user experience.




From Collateral to Conversion

Niranka emphasizes that hotel websites aren’t just another piece of marketing collateral; they are distribution channels on their own, and hoteliers need to dedicate time to their direct channel strategies.




Visibility for Direct Bookings

We’re excited to be joined by Adam Hamadache, Founder of DHM - The Digital Agency For Hoteliers. Adam shares insights on the importance of hoteliers owning their online visibility and how maintaining control of the hotel website is key for a brand positioning themselves ahead of their competition.


DHM-logo 10 years



Control Your Brand, Own Your Site

Kashmie Ali, VP of Sales and Marketing at Sailrock South Caicos emphasizes that maintaining control over your hotel website is a necessity in today’s competitive landscape. He explains how this empowers hoteliers to enhance their brand, boost direct bookings, improve online visibility, and build trust with guests.





Revolutionize Your Digital Presence

Sébastien FELIX, Founder & CEO of Influence Society shares insights on helping hotel brands take control of their digital ecosystem and emphasizes that building a strong brand is key to competing and being profitable. To achieve this, hoteliers must control their digital tools and maintain direct access to the website for quick updates and testing new technology.


influence society



Transform Your Website: Own the Guest Journey

Fred Bean, Founder & CEO of HotelPORT® emphasizes that a hotel’s website should be an integrated hospitality operating system and a central hub for guest engagement. He explains that owning the direct channel isn’t just about digital real estate; it’s about owning the customer journey and data to ultimately enrich the online user experience and drive loyalty.





Engage and Convert with Dynamic Content

We’re excited to be joined by Callum McPherson, Founder & CEO of Obvlo. Callum shares insights on the importance of personalized and dynamic content to engage website visitors.





Turn Those Lookers Into Bookers

 Patryk Luszcz, UK Regional Director at Profitroom, explains not only the importance of owning the hotel website but also what actions hoteliers can take on their direct channels to create a successful online booking journey and turn lookers into bookers.

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Website Ownership: Key to Success

Loren Gray, CHDM, Founder of Hospitality Digital Marketing explains that the hotel website is a key asset and should always be controlled at the highest level via ownership, with access granted to vendors or other services as needed.


Want to know more about how to control and personalize your website?

Have a personal conversation with our experts to understand how to tailor your hotel marketing messages and ultimately increase conversions and user engagement.